রবিবার, ২৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

List Building: One Thing That Most Internet Marketing Gurus Agree On

The list is the lifeblood of any online business. This is something that most experts in Internet marketing can agree on. List building is therefore something which they place a lot of emphasis on.

So what is a list and what do you mean by building a list? A list is essentially the information of people who have signed up to receive an information product from your online business.

At its most basic, this information should contain the email address of the person who signed up because that's the easiest way you can maintain contact with him or her. Other information like the name and address may be included but that is optional.

Building a list essentially means adding more people to your list. To build a list, there are certain tools which all Internet marketers will use. The first is a squeeze page which is used to capture the detail of any visitors. The design and complexity of each squeeze page varies according to the guru's preference but the aim is the same: to get people to opt in to your list.

Usually, there will be words that are used to attract people to sign up. Some squeeze pages use videos as well. But what is common to all squeeze pages is an opt-in form for visitors to fill in their details.

A free gift is included as well to entice people to opt in. This can be a free ebook, ecourse, software, audio or video. Whatever the form you choose, it should be something that is sufficiently attractive to get people to sign up for it.

Another must-have tool is an email autoresponder. An autoresponder is a software system that helps you to manage your emails to your list. You can use it to schedule your emails to be send out on autopilot. A critical thing especially if your list is growing.

With an autoresponder, it'll be easier for you to build your relationship with your list and even market products to them over the long term. So you'll be able to ramp up your income whenever you want if you have a list. That is why most Internet marketing gurus swear by list building.

There are a number of autoresponders in the market. The more popular ones are GetResponse and Aweber.

Another essential component of list building is traffic generation, which means getting people to visit your squeeze page. Some traffic generation methods include article marketing, pay-per-click advertising, blogging and video marketing.

Different Internet marketing gurus favour different methods. But all agree on the importance of generating traffic. You can give each a try and see which one works best for you.

If you want to learn more about Internet marketing and how to make major moolah online, make sure you check out the author's resource box below and click the link on it.

Free ebook reveals how a bankrupt became a millionaire in 12 months. Grab it now at http://inboxmoneyin.com/

View the original article here

Source: http://emailmarketinglistbuildingstrategies.blogspot.com/2012/11/list-building-one-thing-that-most.html

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