When my mother abandoned me (leaving with her live in boyfriend, Rob),?she left me to care for my retarded half sister?Valerie in?1978.?
Our mother would get Val an apt. (New Brighton) across the hall from she and Rob, and I was left to fend for myself and went to live with my Aunt Johnnye Mae James (Ct).
She would later drive off her boyfriend after cutting him up and threatening him not to tell on her to the people he sought medical attention from.
Val told me she was tired of saving him from her and that she went next door one day and our mother cut him on his head so badly that blood squirted out of it.
One day he didn't return home from work and she tried to get him to return, but he wouldn't.
She was angry at him because he would not sell his house and give her the money from the sale or the rent he collected from his tenants.
She must have had a liking for this particular type of knifing because I recall a time (1971) when she was torturing me and she chopped the top of my head with the knife she just used to scratch up the new guitar she had just given me.
I knew she was indicating to me that she would cut me up like she had the guitar.
She had carved arrows onto the neck of it because she said I would know which direction to turn the pegs to tune it. Which doesn't make sense because to tune it I may have to turn the pegs in either direction and did not need arrows at all.
It was a threat to my life and after she was finished I asked Vikki to check my head to see if I were bleeding.
Oddly enough, I started pulling my hair out in that very spot for about a year.
When people would see the guitar scratched up and ask about it she would lie and say that I had done it and I refuted it, which she did not like.
It was to to keep me from graduating from Port Richmond High School where i had completed a course on The Humanities for college credits.
I was also in the Who' Who of American High School students.
My mother hated my intellect and accused me of being an Intellectual.
She boasted of being a Liberal.
I wound up quitting Hartford High School and my Aunt Johnnye Mae was a best about it and didn't understand that I was not used to the conditions I had to endure in this new school.
My first cousin Lorraine James played this record for me in 1978 and told me that Billy Joel and her oldest brother Larry Jameswere friends (he's a victim and perpetrator too). She said this song is about him.
I don't know if I believe her and because of Larry's violent attacks against me when I was 12 ( in front of my two half sisters and Lorraine who did not come to my aid) I never asked him about it.
Larry was a gifted saxophonist, but attended Medical School at Howard University and was somehow involved in the drugs being smuggled into the country in the coffins of Vietnam Veterans.
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