What do I do next? Ideas for getting un-stuck in my family history journey
[Outline for the February program at the WCGSTX Genealogical Society meeting.]
The meeting was to help members examine how to get started again or on another part of the personal research journey by examining (1) their progress in research (2) in display of their results or (3) with the ultimate placing of of their materials for posterity.
At the end of the program, members were given a worksheet to get started and to share at the March 6-7 p.m. meeting before the business meeting. Those who cannot attend in March can post their plans for getting started in comments below.
Click to go to the worksheet which you may then print out on your home printer.?> The link:(https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1aUvMGSc0DkcHp3Y1o3T2pTLVNxZF9wUFQ5UUgzZw)
a. Where I am in my family history research
i. People
1. Ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc)
2. Descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.)
3. Collateral relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins)
ii. Details
1. Surnames and/or given names
2. Vitals (birth, death, marriage, etc)
3. Additional information (anecdotes, bios, locations, events, etc.)
Link for ideas on how to approach getting over research brickwalls at FamilySearch.org. (https://www.familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/Solving_Tough_Research_Problems%E2%80%94Overcoming_Brick_Walls)
b.Where I would like to go with my research
i. Find ?lost or unknown? people (and details?)
ii. Fill-in details of known people
c. Where I am in family history display (for myself and/or others)
i. Personal file collection of family group sheets, information, and copies of documents, photos
ii. Framed or posted family tree with or without pictures and/or vital details
iii. Scrapbook(s) of family or individuals with various items including some or all but not limited to group sheets, information, documents or copies, photos.
iv. Written manuscripts of my research including various items including some or all but not limited to group sheets, information, documents or copies, photos using various formats from loose leaf to various bindings
v. Published and printed hard or soft-bound books or DVD (www.lulu.com)(a POD publisher)
vi.Personal pages of family history on the internet which can range from family trees, additional information, pages for an individual, or personal logs or journals of stories, details about the family (http://www.google.com/sites/overview.html), (www.wikitree.com)
vii. Adding family trees and supporting illustrations (as allowed) on the internet (www.wikitree.com)
(WorldConnect family trees http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/) (FamilySearch Trees https://www.familysearch.org/upload)
viii. Placing individuals? information on internet sites such as Find-a-Grave (http://www.findagrave.com/), or surname or geographic location web pages (Search for my state and county at USGenWeb: http://usgenweb.org/states/index.shtml).
d. Disposition of my research when I am deceased
i. Leaving for relatives
ii. Donating to libraries or other repositories
iii. Uploading to archival sites online (Permanence???)
32.676425 -95.247552
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Filed under: Research, Resources, From The Editor Tagged: | Brick Walls
Source: http://woodtxgene.com/2012/02/25/ideas-for-getting-un-stuck-in-my-family-history-journey/
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