Course Overview:
This course will cover the usage and management of health information and the electronic health record (EHR). This course will introduce the students to the use of health information and the electronic health record for any setting within the health care industry from acute, ambulatory, long term, home health, specialty, population health, and personal health that encompass the continuum of care. This course will provide students with sufficient knowledge to become informed health care users and managers of the electronic health record. This course will enable the students to assemble the patient's health record and ensure all information is complete, properly identified and authenticated.
EHR Specialist's duties will vary with size and specialty of the facility in which they may work. Many can specialize in varying areas or one aspect of the EHR such as entry level coders, encoding within a hospital setting, abstractors and or coding specialist, HIPAA Compliance Officers or HIM (Health Information Managers) and be over entire departments within larger healthcare facilities. The duties an electronic health records specialist may perform include but not necessarily be limited to:
- Assemble patient's health information to ensure information is complete and accurate
- Enter data, such as demographic characteristics, history and extent of disease, diagnostic procedures and treatment into computer
- Statistical and Data Analysis for Quality Improvement Measures
- Assist with special studies and research for public health agencies
- Compile medical care and census data for statistical reports on diseases treated, surgery performed, and use of hospital beds for clinical audits.
- Manage data backup, retention of records as well as maintain a variety of health record indexes, storage and retrieval systems.
- Work National Database Registries as a registrar, Contacts discharged patients, their families, and physicians to maintain registry with follow-up information, such as quality of life and length of survival of cancer patients.
- Work with department managers to review policies and develops new workflows for EHR, coordinates training resources and provides on-going end user training.
1) Students should have completed training in or should have experience with:
- Medical Terminology as part of the core program to which the EHR is added
- Anatomy and Physiology
- HIPAA and Medical Legal Aspects of Healthcare
2) Students should have a BASIC understanding of:
- CPT-4 coding terminology
- ICD-9CM coding terminology
- HCPCS coding terminology
Coding is not necessary for electronic health record specialists, due to the fact that some offices use software that automates the coding process. Knowledge of coding terminology is strongly recommended.
3) Students should be proficient in operating a personal computer, including:
- Demonstrated competency in: standard computer operating systems and electronic filing systems, basic keyboarding skills, organizing and sorting electronic documents;
- Demonstrated knowledge of standard computer applications to include Microsoft Word and Excel;
- Familiarity with using internet browsers and standard email systems such as MS Outlook.
If this course is offered as an "add-on" module, then the above prerequisites apply. If it is offered as a "stand-alone" then the prerequisites must then be incorporated into the existing curriculum.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will:
- Understand the clinical process and use of the EHR. Student will have an overview of healthcare informatics and be able to explain the impact of EHR in any health care setting.
- Describe the differences and similarities with Health Information Technology (HIT) and EHR. This objective will cover how health information technology can support the clinical setting.
- Know basic concepts in health data management (patient demographics) and have an understanding of the importance of proper database management in a healthcare setting
- Define and understand privacy, confidentiality, and security in healthcare and the relationship to the electronic health record and health information management.
- Understand appropriate electronic means of communications with patients, particularly the use of mobile and wireless communication in healthcare. (Fax, mobile phone, and e-mail)
- Converting files to pdf format and the scanning of information.
Objective #1:
Clinical Process and use of the EHR, an overview of healthcare informatics in general and explain the impact in any health care setting. Upon completion of this objective the student will be able to:
- Define the role of the EHR specialist in the health care setting.
- Understand the collection of medical data and patient demographics
- Describe the structure of the various departments in which a specialist can be employed.
- Describe the various types of data that can be collected in an EHR x-rays, labs, insurance information etc.
- Understand the importance of knowing the clinical process within the health care setting.
Suggested Activities:
- Collect sample data and determine where it belongs on a patient record.
- Provide fictitious patient records with errors on it to allow students to identify the errors and how to correct them.
- Provide data from various departments in a hospital setting and identify the department.
- Role play a specialist's role in various healthcare employment settings. Discuss what expectations might be placed upon the specialist in each setting.
- Using current events, provide proof of how changing from paper to electronic record keeping will affect job opportunities.
The student's participation in the above activities as well as demonstrating an understanding of the objectives.
Objective #2:
Health Information Technology & Electronic Health Records. This objective will cover how health information technology can support the clinical setting. Upon completion of this objective the student will be able to:
- Student will define HIT
- Student will define EHR
- Describe the difference and similarities of HIT & EHR
- Student will have an understanding of different health information systems to include:
- EHR in hospitals and primary care settings, electronic communication
- Laboratory systems to include physician orders, requests, sampling, analyses and reporting
- Imaging systems - radiology systems, MRI, Ultrasound
- EMR utilized in hospitals, long term care, home care, ambulatory and primary care
- EPOF (Electronic Physician Order Forms) utilized in pharmacies, hospitals, long term care and ambulatory settings.
Suggested Activities:
- Create a chart displaying the differences/similarities in EHR and HIT. Discuss
- Provide samples of forms used in hospitals and other settings and contrast/compare.
- Visit a health care setting in area specifically the IT and Medical Records Departments to view the setup, systems utilized and how these two departments are integrated. Provide a three-page report to instructor.
- Reading: Strategies in Adopting EHR's in Community Health Care Center by HMA
Participation in the above activities and a clear understanding of the objectives for the lesson. The student should be able to demonstrate a good working knowledge of the computer systems required to complete the activities.
Objective #3:
Health Data Management will discuss the principles of database management in a healthcare setting. Upon completion of this objective the student will be able to:
- Understand the importance of proper managing of healthcare data in any health care setting.
- Understand how the information is used in reporting for financial, statistical, project management and for quality improvement measures.
- Understand that proper data management is used to identify opportunities for best practices within the health care.
- Understand and define personal health records (PHR) and how they differ from electronic heath records.
- Identify the different types of PHR's available.
Suggested Activities:
- In small groups, outline, through research, how patient demographics has an effect on the type of health care received.
- Determine how this type of information collected in Activity #1, has an effect on quality improvement measures.
- Identify facilities that are using best practice methods.
- Create your own personal health record; create one for each type. Practice identifying them.
- Compare/contrast the different PHR's available and the electronic health record.
Participation in the above activities and demonstrate an understanding of the above objectives.
Objective # 4:
Privacy, Confidentiality & Security. Provide the student with a basic understanding of the concepts of privacy and confidentiality in healthcare and the relationship to the electronic health record and health information management. Upon completion of this objective the student will be able to:
- Define Privacy
- Define Confidentiality
- Define Security
- Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts of confidentiality in healthcare.
- Demonstrate an understanding of ethical and legal considerations
- Indentify common pitfalls in breaching privacy and confidentiality
- Demonstrate ways to implement plans for privacy and confidentiality
- Recognize and understand the exceptions to the rule.
- Recognize and define computer security/bio security.
Suggested Activities:
- Read and discuss various legal cases in which the confidentiality agreement was in question and or broken. Discuss the impact of these on the role of the CEHRS.
- Discuss the differences in public and private law, civil and criminal law and torts. Compare and contrast in chart form.
- Role play several ways in which a health record specialist may compromise the confidentiality of patients.
- Role play speaking with patients about setting up a PHR.
Participation in the above activities and a clear understanding of the objectives for the lesson.
Objective # 5:
Understand appropriate electronic means of communications with patients such as mobile and wireless communication, Fax, and email. Cover important aspects of wireless and mobile technologies and how they can affect and impact the electronic health record within a healthcare setting. Upon completion of this objective the student will be able to:
- Define what it is meant by mobile and wireless communication in health care.
- Understand how mobile and wireless can and cannot be used in health care.
- Understand the many issues involved in using mobile and wireless in the context of health care.
- Identify the risks involved in utilizing mobile and or wireless communication in healthcare.
- Student will have an understanding of multimedia support for healthcare to include: audio, video and voice recognition
- Local- area and wide- area wireless technologies and security issues.
- Learn appropriate methods of communicating with and assisting patients through EHR/PHR.
Suggested Activities:
- Legal & Regulatory Issues: Privacy and Security (HIPAA and Other) Utilize the following link to review current legal barriers to EHR:
Raise discussion regarding privacy issues and the use of electronic devices.
Active participation in the above activity and a clear understanding of the lessons objectives.
Requirement for Practical Training on a Certified EHR Software Package
NHA requires that students/employees who are seeking CEHRS certification complete at least 50 hours of training or work experience using a nationally certified EHR software package as recognized by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or currently by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT).
** Each training institution must verify that the student has completed training on a nationally-certified electronic health records software package. Recommended minimum training time is 50 hours. This training could be done in the classroom or through an internship/externship in a clinical setting. It is the schools responsibility to verify that training is completed.
NHA will provide your educational institution and/or students with a certified EHR software package for a nominal per-student fee should you need assistance procuring EHR software.
Once the software package is chosen, the following sample activities are appropriate.
Each student will be responsible for entering into the software several patient records and input all data, to include:
- Enter patient demographics, to include insurance, charges incurred, medical diagnosis
- Enter and correct patient assessment and or clinical notes, patient's prior medical history
- Enter in consult requests, enter consult, complete a consult
- Enter allergy and or vital signs
- Perform physician orders for pharmacy, lab and or radiology
- Bill to patient and or third party payer via CMS-1500 and or UB-04
Run several reports within software application to view statistical and analytical data:
- Run report by zip code
- Run report by carrier (insurance)
- Run report by diagnosis code
- Run Day sheets
- Run Patient ledgers alphabetically
- Run patient aging, 30, 60, 90
- Run procedure, payment and adjustment reports
- Run Billing Code lists
The anticipated outcome for the course is to challenge the National Certification examination offered through the NHA and obtain a 70% or better.
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