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LONDON (Reuters) - British finance minister George Osborne said he would not flinch from his austerity drive, despite increasing pressure to change course after the loss of the country's 'AAA' credit rating and with elections approaching in two years.
Moody's dealt Britain its first sovereign rating downgrade on Friday, saying the $2.5 trillion economy faced years more sluggish growth and debt would continue to rise until 2016.
Economically the one-notch cut will have limited importance - most of Europe, Japan and the United States have already suffered the same fate, and Britain continues to borrow at historically low rates.
But politically it is toxic for Osborne, who has repeatedly vowed to protect Britain's top credit rating since the 2010 election campaign. The downgrade exposes him to opponents who say his failure to deliver economic growth is driving Prime Minister David Cameron towards electoral defeat.
Osborne said on Sunday the move by Moody's showed he was right to focus on restoring Britain to fiscal health, which he said was the only way to get growth going again.
"We've had a stark reminder this weekend of the single most important truth about our economy. Britain has a debt problem, built up over many years, and we have got to deal with it," the 41-year-old Chancellor of the Exchequer wrote in a column for The Sun newspaper.
"If we don't deal with it, interest rates will soar, homes will be repossessed and businesses will go bust. If you doubt whether that's true, just look at what happened to all those European countries now deep in recession."
For investors, the downgrade underscores Britain's predicament: a debt-ridden, stagnating economy that has kept bond yields low in large part thanks to the Bank of England becoming the world's biggest investor in UK government debt by buying it with newly printed money.
A top official with a leading investment firm said the ratings blow was in part self-inflicted by the Conservative-led government, which had room to ease off on its belt-tightening.
"The coalition set out trying to please the ratings agencies, but the inflexible application of front-loaded austerity is partly to blame for the lack of growth that led Moody's to downgrade (the UK)," said Trevor Greetham, asset allocation director at Fidelity Worldwide Investment, which managed over $240 billion in funds as of December 31.
Osborne can take comfort from Moody's confidence that his austerity plan would eventually "reverse the UK's debt trajectory".
A Treasury official noted Moody's had given the UK's credit rating a stable outlook, meaning little chance of a further downgrade in the next 12-18 months. When the United States and France were downgraded, their outlooks remained negative.
But whether growth will return forcefully and long enough before the 2015 election to allow voters to appreciate it is now highly uncertain.
Sterling fell by almost a cent to around $1.5160 after the downgrade, just off Thursday's fresh 2-1/2-year low. Analysts said they expected it to fall further on Monday but most saw limited impact because the downgrade had been expected.
Some of the Conservatives' Liberal Democrat coalition partners questioned the political judgment of attaching so much importance to Britain's AAA rating.
"To be fair, he was very green in 2009 ... He foolishly erected triple-A status as a virility symbol," said Matthew Oakeshott, a former Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman.
Cameron, who led his Conservative Party back to office as part of a coalition government after 13 years out of power, risks another year of stagnation and giving his opponents an open goal to aim at.
The Labour Party, from which Osborne inherited a record peacetime deficit when it lost the 2010 election, called for his head.
"The medicine is not working, so the Chancellor says increase the dose - that's crazy economics. It is like an 18th-century doctor bleeding a patient as they get sicker and sicker," said Ed Balls, the party's main spokesman on finance issues.
But people close to Britain's most powerful two politicians say they are completely aligned. Osborne led Cameron's bid for leadership of the Conservatives and ran the 2010 election campaign. There is little or no chance of him being sacrificed or being forced into a humiliating policy U-turn that would wreck his career.
"Osborne has lots of critics, both inside and outside the party, who are now going to be emboldened by this, but there is no coherent alternative," said Tim Montgomerie, editor of the influential ConservativeHome website.
Though Labour is about 10 percentage points ahead of the Conservative Party in polls, surveys show voters trust Cameron and Osborne more than Labour's leader Ed Miliband.
Osborne originally gambled that by slashing spending, growth rates of between 2 and 3 percent would kick in from 2013.
But with Britain's banks still recovering from the financial crisis and many of its main trading partners in Europe stuck in recession, his debt targets will be missed. His room for more spending is limited as he tries to avoid pushing up yields on Britain's 1.29 trillion pounds ($1.97 trillion) of debt.
With government spending so restricted, many investors' hopes lie with the Bank of England. Its governor, Mervyn King, this month voted to restart buying of government bonds. Although in the minority, his change of heart suggested the bank may be closer than expected to pursuing more stimulus.
If Osborne slows his debt reduction plans, he could upset bond investors and throw his deficit targets further off course.
"We should stick to the plan," said Kwasi Kwarteng, a Conservative lawmaker. "The prime minister would not want to be seen to be panicking, and he's committed to keeping George Osborne where he is."
"But we do also need to look at growth," said Kwarteng, who proposed cutting corporation tax and red tape.
David Blanchflower, who served on the Bank of England's interest rate setting committee from 2006 to 2009, suggested a swift cut to value-added tax, a labour tax holiday for workers under 25 and incentives for investment and hiring.
Business lobby the Confederation of British Industry has called for more investment on infrastructure and housing to be funded by more cuts in day-to-day spending. It also expects the government to guarantee more private-sector projects.
Osborne has a chance in his annual budget next month to deliver such tweaks to policy.
($1 = 0.6551 British pounds)
(Editing by William Schomberg and Will Waterman)
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The Obama administration has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to strike part of a controversial 1996 law that bars recognition of same-sex marriage, even in the nine states where it is now legal, for such federal benefits as income and estate taxes and federal employee benefits.
?The law denies to tens of thousands of same sex couples who are legally married under state law an array of important benefits that are available to legally married opposite sex couples,? the Justice Department argued in a brief urging the high court to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.
The justices hear oral arguments next month in two landmark marriage equality cases.? One is a legal challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act.? The other is a challenge to California?s Prop. 8, which rolled back same-sex marriage in America?s largest state.? Lower federal courts have ruled against both DOMA and Prop. 8.
Washington, Maine and Maryland voted last November to legalize same-sex marriage, and has seen hundreds of marriages beginning in December.
?Each time the Obama administration acts to support LGBT (gay and lesbian) Americans, it feels even more significant when considered in the context of Presidential history:? It was not all that long ago that President Reagan refused to help when many were dying of AIDS,? said Anne Levinson, a former judge and Seattle deputy mayor, and strategist in the 2012 campaign for marriage equality.
?President Bush embraced a platform and led an administration that vilified the LGBT community,? Levinson added.
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In its legal brief, the Obama administration argues:
?Gay and lesbian people are a minority group with limited political power.? Although some of the harshest and most overt forms of discrimination against gay and lesbian people have receded, that progress has hardly been uniform (either temporally or geographically) and has in significant respects been the result of judicial enforcement of the Constitution, not political action.?
The Defense of Marriage Act ?targets the many gay and lesbian people legally married under state law for a harsh form of discrimination that bears no relation to their ability to contribute to society,? the brief adds.
The Obama administration announced last year that it would no longer defend DOMA in court.? The defense of the 1996 anti-gay law has been taken up, and paid for out of public funds, by the Republican leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives.
The U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops has also filed briefs in defense of DOMA, arguing that supporters of traditional marriage would be subject to attack if the law is overturned.
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by Elaine Varelas CPI Boston Keystone Partners
I know of at least a few HR traditionalists who are secretly hoping that the social media frenzy will quickly go the way of the mimeograph machine and typewriter, becoming obsolete and fading away. In fact, the opposite is happening. According to a comScore report, social networking accounts for one of every six minutes spent online. It?s growing exponentially and has a significant and dynamic impact on business. Having a social media ?presence? isn?t enough any more. Organizations that don?t have a concentrated, encompassing social media strategy are being left behind. The same is true for all job seekers and business professionals.
While social media?s early adopters may have been the ubertechies and middle-schoolers, it isn?t just the realm of teens and tweens anymore. Believe it or not, a? Pew Internet and American Life study found that the average age of Facebook users is 38! Social media sites, such as LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter are being utilized by millions of Americans for professional endeavors including recruitment, job searches, and other career development activities. Here?s what you need to know and do to be a social media star:
Accept it ? Social media is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. It isn?t just ?fun? or ?interesting,? but is quickly emerging as a powerful tool for HR and other business areas. Once you accept this fact, you can figure out how it can (and will) impact your organization and your career. If you can learn how to harness it you, can get out in front of it.
Change your perceptions (and those of leaders) ? There is an erroneous perception that social media is just for the slacker generation. However, that is no longer the case. Social media is a viable business tool. It isn?t just for the marketing team or IT department. Used the correct way, it can drive business, attract customers and employees, aid in a job search, increase employee engagement, and help to build a brand. HR professionals may have to work within the organization to change these perceptions. Those whose job it is to take the lead on social media strategies cannot be deemed as having a less important ? or more frivolous ? job than others in the company.
Educate yourself ? If you think a Tweet is a sound a bird makes and Pinterest is a typo, it is time to learn about social media. You may have a personal understanding of social media (hey, you?re on Facebook!) or a peripheral knowledge of how the technology works but you need to build your business-based knowledge. How can you drive business, attract customers and clients, and recruit new employees? How are job seekers using it? Customers? Competitors? You can educate yourself, take a seminar, or enlist an expert at your organization to become your social media mentor.
Get a person (or a team) ? Have a designated person to work on social media strategies. If you?re in a large organization, you may need a team or a department.? Social media is fluid. It changes everyday. You can?t just put a plan in place and follow it. The plan could be obsolete within a week! You will fall behind if you don?t have that person to update and implement your plan.
Have a strategy ? It is possible to waste your time on Facebook or Pinterest (face it, we?ve all done it). While it?s okay to waste a few hours on a Saturday morning, it shouldn?t be done on business time. Have a policy of ?who? and ?what? ? who should be using the technology and how. What is expected of people in different positions? At many companies, middle managers aren?t even on LinkedIn. They may think they ?don?t have time? or that time spent on social media won?t be valued.? Management also needs to be educated about how social media can help the organization and their employees careers, not to mention how it can help them reach their own department (customers, sales, referrals, retention) goals.? Someone in the midst of career transition will also need a solid social media strategy to ensure that they get the most out of their social media efforts when it comes to their job search.
Take the lead ? Where do the social media conversations happen? Who is involved in making decisions? It should be done at the leadership level. These aren?t backroom conversations in the IT department.? Social media can reach active and passive job seekers. It can also be a valuable retention tool and help to build brand and company awareness and loyalty. It can touch almost every aspect of business, from employee engagement to the job search, so it needs to be given credence by company leaders. Not too long ago company leaders were wondering if every employee should have a computer. Leaders should be having these same conversations about social media.
Despite your secret wishful thinking, social media is here to stay?and it is changing at lightning fast speed. Instead of lamenting it, get out in front of it. It is time to embrace social media before you miss out on a tremendous business tool.
We would love to hear how your organization is using social media!
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Falcon Pro, one of the best Twitter applications for Android, has run into a significant problem. The app can no longer authenticate new users because it reached the 100,000 token limit that Twitter imposes on all third-party applications. This restriction requires any new Twitter application to only have a maximum of 100,000 users at a time.?
The token limit took Falcon Pro developer Joaquim Verg?s?by surprise. He knew the limit would be reached eventually, he just didn?t expect it to happen so soon.
?For the numbers, Play Store tells me 40k users,? Verg?s wrote?on the Falcon Pro Twitter page. ?Piracy is unstopabble, nothing I can do to prevent that.?
Users have suggested possible solutions such as adding license checks, creating additional tokens and creating a new build of Falcon Pro, but?Verg?s doesn?t believe any of these will work in the long term. Therefore, he decided to create a petition in an effort to convince Twitter to raise the token limitation for Falcon Pro. There are currently 1,313 signatures on the petition.
Twitter users can also help out by revoking access to the Twitter applications they don?t use. To revoke access to an app that connects to Twitter, log in to Twitter on the web, go to settings, click on apps and revoke access to any app you don?t use anymore. Doing this won?t ultimately save Falcon Pro, but at least it?ll free up some space for someone who wants to try the app.
Source [Twitter]
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Not content with a simple Deutsche Telecom announcement, Mozilla's using Mobile World Congress as a platform to launch its mobile operating system in a slew of markets. Rolling out in waves, the first round of devices featuring Firefox OS include the likes of Brazil, Colombia, Hungary, Mexico, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Venezuela, with more markets soon, according to the company. The first round of handsets include devices by Alcatel, LG and ZTE. Mozilla also let slip news of a forthcoming handset from Huawei, who just capped up their own MWC press conference. As you'd expect, there's a whole slew of carriers on board. You can find the list in the release after the break.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile
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By: Larisa Epatko
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe waves at Tokyo International Airport on Feb. 21 on his way to meet with President Obama in Washington. Photo by The Asahi Shimbun via Getty Images.
President Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe meet at noon Friday at the White House. The two world leaders are embroiled in their own domestic economic issues, and just days before their visit, North Korea conducted another nuclear test.
We asked Sheila Smith, senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, about these and other issues that might top the leaders' agenda.
North Korea
On Feb. 12, North Korea defied the international community by conducting another nuclear test -- this time of a lighter device that packs a larger punch. The United States, China and others condemned the move, and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak called an emergency meeting of the National Security Council, while the U.N. Security Council quickly met in New York.
The test, though difficult to independently confirm, "demonstrates that Pyongyang is moving along its arc of developing nuclear weapons that can threaten the United States," James Acton, a senior associate in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said on the NewsHour the day of the test:
"The U.S.-Japan cooperation on North Korea is fairly seamless," Smith told us. The United States, Japan and South Korea will work together not only on a coordinated response to the latest North Korean provocation in the United Nations, but on possible deterrence and alliance consolidation in responding to further actions by Pyongyang, she said.
Island Dispute
China and Japan are jockeying for territorial rights of islands in the East China Sea that are rich in fish and potentially in oil and gas. (See a backgrounder on the islands in dispute.)
Tensions intensified early this year when both countries' militaries got involved, causing concern in Washington over the possibility of an inadvertent clash, said Smith.
"De-escalating these tensions is of the essence, and both Tokyo and Washington are calling on Beijing to begin to develop some kind of maritime consultations that will decrease the likelihood of miscalculation by local forces," she said. "Japan has begun bilateral talks with China that were interrupted last summer, and the United States, too, has been publicly and privately urging both sides to sit down and discuss how best to discuss their differences."
On the Sept. 18 NewsHour, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's Douglas Paal and the Atlantic magazine's James Fallows discussed how the conflict between Japan and China is as much about national pride as about natural resources:
Trans-Pacific Partnership
When Abe's party came to power in December, the prime minister said he would focus on revitalizing the economy by increasing Japan's fiscal stimulus and encouraging the central bank to introduce a 2 percent inflation target.
Abe's economic focus, dubbed "Abenomics", included his establishing an economic competitiveness panel to advise him on a growth strategy, said Smith.
It also might include Japan's joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, a proposed regional free trade agreement. Analysts say Abe is receptive to joining the partnership though some members of his party are not, because they're worried it could harm Japan's agricultural industry, Smith said. Eyes will be on Abe's White House visit to see if he alludes to the partnership.
The next TPP meeting is March 4-13 in Singapore.
Japan's triple disasters in 2011 -- the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactor meltdown -- launched a review of its nuclear energy usage and policies. As a result, Japan has shown an interest in purchasing more natural gas from the United States, and the two leaders probably will discuss that option, said Smith.
(View all of the NewsHour's coverage of the triple disasters and the fallout in Japan.)
Child Custody
Another possible topic is the issue of child custody, specifically when a Japanese parent removes a child from a household in another country and brings the child to Japan without the other parent's consent.
Japan has not signed the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which requires signatories to return the children to their country of residence. The United States has been pushing Japan to enter the agreement. The State Department says about 100 cases of American children brought wrongfully to Japan are pending.
Abe reportedly intends to have Japan join the convention, and he likely will update President Obama on those efforts, said Smith.
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Alcohol: a key babyproofing product for this little mother.
Illustration by Daniel M.N. Turner/photos via istockphoto.comAlcohol: a key babyproofing product for this little mother.
Illustration by Daniel M.N. Turner/photos via istockphoto.comMany a mom has reached for a glass of wine after a long day of tending children. But only fruit fly moms use their version of Chardonnay to guard their babies from harm.
When fly moms see marauding wasps, they seek out the alcohol in fermenting fruit, and lay their eggs there, according to new research. The alcohol is toxic to the wasps, but not to the fruit flies. They've evolved a tolerance for hooch.
No only do the fruit flies babyproof with alcohol, when given a choice they'll pick just the right proof ? about 3 percent. That's considerably less than the 12 to 14 percent in a glass of wine, but evidently enough to do in those lightweight wasps.
This news comes from Todd Schlenke, a evolutionary geneticist at Emory University who is making a bit of a specialty of studying the relationship between fruit flies and booze. His study was published in the journal Science.
A year ago, he reported that fruit-fly larvae will self-medicate with alcohol if they've been attacked by a wasp. The wasps lay eggs in the flies, and the alcohol kills the wasp larvae, saving the fly's life.
But some wasps are learning how to hold their liquor, Schlenke says, and the fruit flies may need to turn to more potent drink or figure out another survival strategy.
"It's sort of an arms race, I think," Schlenke says. "The flies do something to avoid being infected, and the wasps learn how to get around it."
Anthropomorphizing can be slippery, but it's hard not to feel a certain sympathy for these lowly fruit flies, whose drinking habits seem to echo ours in so many ways. For instance, it looks like fruit flies also turn to the bottle to nurse heartache. When a male fruit fly fails to mate with a female, he'll be more likely to start slugging down ethanol than the guy who scored, according to a study last year.
So why spend so much time hanging out with these "bar" flies? Schlenke studies the tiny flies to learn about big things like memory, heredity, and evolution.
For example, the mother fruit fly's ability to spot dangerous wasps is so refined that she'll only head for liquor when they see a female parasitic wasp (the males pose no threat to the young). "They only have to see the wasp once, and they remember," Schlenke says.
And even though the fruit flies have been living in the laboratory for many, many generations, they have no problem recognizing the danger posed by a wasp the moment they see it.
Ah, science!
Schlenke's revelations on the drinking habits of fruit flies have not only landed him in prestigious journals like Science, they've earned him a hat-tip from the satirical newspaper The Onion, which quipped, "I'm sure at least some of those flies also drink because of their crippling depression."
"Honestly, I think maybe The Onion is the highlight of my career," Schlenke told The Salt.
We bet the fruit flies will drink to that.
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For media purposes, the NFL Scouting Combine is a whirl of interviews and player availability.
For television watchers, the 40-yard dashes and drills take center stage.
But for the teams that come to Indianapolis to scout, the priority isn?t anything that happens on the field, but rather behind the scenes at the hospital.
The medical checks shared by 32 teams are the primary benefit for most teams.
National Football Scouting president Jeff Foster asked teams years ago to list their priorities, and the results were loud and clear.
?All 32 teams, medicals were No. 1,? Foster told Mike Chappell of the Indianapolis Star. ?All 32 teams, interviews were No. 2. Then there was a mix between the on-field stuff and the psychological testing.?
So for the seven-day duration, players are poked and prodded and tested and quizzed on their medical histories, with no detail to minute.
?This will be the most comprehensive exam they can ever hope to get,? said Dr. Arthur Rettig, one of the Colts team doctors. ?If possible, you want to save [a team] from investing a few million dollars in someone who may play one year and then he?s done.
?It?s our job to try and predict that.?
Retting said he expected to order up 350 MRI scans, using 17 machines they have on hand, including three mobile ones at Lucas Oil Stadium. In the past, they?ve found tumors in players while looking at other injuries.
Colts tackle Anthony Castonzo said he was amazed by the thoroughness of the process, going through six orthopedic stations, X-rays, MRIs, along with heart tests, baseline concussion tests and drug scans.
?You basically lay on a table in the middle of the room and you?ve got people coming over and poking and prodding on you, fiddling with your ankle or your knee or whatever it is you possibly had wrong,? Castonzo said. ?You kind of feel like a corpse at the morgue. Everyone is trying to figure out what?s wrong.?
For NFL teams trying to avoid investing millions in a bunch of stiffs, the process is worth it.
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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? More of the world's elite universities are joining the rush to offer "massive open online courses" that are broadening access to higher education. But some experts question how much so-called MOOCs can help students trying to earn college degrees.
Coursera and edX, two of the leading MOOC providers, on Thursday announced major expansions that will roughly double the number of universities offering free online courses through their websites.
Cambridge, Mass.-based edX, which was founded in May by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said it will add six new institutions, including five outside the U.S., which will offer at least 25 additional courses.
Mountain View-based Coursera said it will add 29 institutions, including 16 outside the United States. Over the next several months, the schools will offer 90 new courses, including some taught in French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese.
"Having courses taught in other languages will enable more students to take our classes," said Andrew Ng, a Stanford University professor who co-founded Coursera last April.
MOOCs have attracted millions of students and captured the public imagination over the past year, allowing people from all walks of life to learn from leading scholars at top-tier universities ? free of charge.
But the question remains: Can these large-scale, highly automated classes help increase college completion rates or lower the cost of earning a degree?
So far only a small number of institutions are offering degree credit for MOOCs, but that could change if more colleges determine the digital classes meet their academic standards.
Earlier this month, the American Council on Education said it will recommend credit for five Coursera courses. The association is evaluating more MOOCs for possible credit recommendations, which many schools use to decide whether to grant credit for nontraditional courses.
But some experts say MOOCs can't replace traditional classroom learning, especially for struggling students who need more face-to-face interaction and mentoring to succeed.
A new study by Columbia University found that community-college students who took small-scale, online-only courses performed worse and were more likely to drop out than peers who took traditional classes. There was a steeper decline in performance among students who are young, male, black or economically disadvantaged, according to the report.
"Online education as it's been developed so far, including MOOCs, I don't think has been effective for struggling students," said Tom Bailey, who directs Columbia's Community College Research Center. "We're not finding you can't learn online. But we're finding a less effective outcome."
EdX President Anant Agarwal said colleges should use MOOCs to improve ? rather than replace ? campus-based education by combining online lessons with classroom instruction.
San Jose State University students who recently took a "blended" version of an edX engineering class performed significantly better than students who took the classroom-based course, he added.
"I really believe the blended model is really a key approach to improving campus education," Agarwal said.
The MOOC movement has also encountered some setbacks during its rapid expansion.
Earlier this month, Coursera suspended an online course offered by Georgia Institute of Technology because of technical problems. The company hopes to relaunch the course, "Fundamentals of Online Education," in the near future, Ng said.
Last week, a University of California, Irvine professor, Richard McKenzie, said he would stop teaching a Coursera economics course halfway through the term because of disagreements over how to run the class.
McKenzie declined to comment Thursday, but Gary Matkin, UC Irvine's dean of distance learning, said the course would continue as scheduled because the instructional materials have already been created.
"Prof. McKenzie is not accustomed (as few are) in teaching university-level material to an open, large, and quite diverse audience including those who were not seriously committed to achieving the learning objectives of the course," Matkin said in a statement.
Ng said Coursera played no role in McKenzie's decision to stop teaching, but he noted that teaching a MOOC is quite different from teaching a traditional course and "it really isn't for everyone."
"We're all experimenting still with what makes sense for MOOCs," Ng said. "There will be missteps along the way."
Coursera currently offers 220 courses from 33 institutions and has almost 2.8 million registered users who have signed up for nearly 10 million courses. Only a fraction of enrollees actually complete the courses, in part because it's easy and free to sign up.
The 29 new Coursera partners include Chinese University of Hong Kong, Technical University of Denmark, National Autonomous University of Mexico as well as the universities of Copenhagen, Geneva and Toyko.
EdX, which currently offers 25 courses from six universities and has 700,000 registered users, will add six new members: Australian National University, Delft University of Technology, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, McGill University, Rice University and the University of Toronto.
Delft University in the Netherlands will be the first edX partner to provide courses as "open content," which means that other universities are free to incorporate the materials in their offerings, said Agarwal.
"People can reuse it and remix it," Agarwal said. "It enables courses to get better and better over time by allowing people to share content."
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Ben () and Leslie () will finally tie the knot in the next episode of "". After deciding to get hitched at the black tie gala in the previous episode, the couple only has two hours to prepare for their quickie wedding.
In for the upcoming outing, Ben and Leslie are seen assigning the parks department staff to get the wedding dress, cake and marriage license, as well as to officiate the wedding. In another short preview, fans can get a quick glimpse at Leslie wearing her wedding gown with Ron walking her down the aisle.
The new episode of "Parks and Rec" featuring the wedding of Ben and Leslie will air Thursday, February 21 at 8:30 P.M. on NBC. It will be a super-sized episode, being extended to one hour.
Last November, NBC pulled a "" wedding for key character Liz Lemon () before the show ended its run in late January. On her special day, Liz channeled Princess Leia complete with her costume and hair style and chose an equally unique wedding ring, a knuckle ring spelling out "Tito" which she bought from a City Hall police auction.
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The Canadian Press
Published Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 5:01PM MST
CALGARY -- A physician from a private health clinic at the centre of a queue-jumping scandal denies saying the clinic was set up to reward deep-pocket donors from the University of Calgary.
Dr. Doug Caine of the Helios Wellness Centre says he has no recollection of making such a remark to Dr. Jon Love.
Caine told Alberta's queue-jumping inquiry he doesn't even know any University of Calgary donors.
Caine was called to give evidence after the inquiry heard testimony last month that Helios patients were moved to the head of the line for testing at Calgary's publicly-funded Colon Cancer Screening Centre.
Various clerks and doctors have testified that for years Helios patients were given colon cancer tests in a matter of weeks while everyone else waited years.
Love has testified that he visited Caine at the Helios Centre in November of 2010 and said Caine told him then that the clinic was set up as a reward for donors.
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Those wearing bionic hands and similar prostheses often suffer a frustrating disconnect when they can touch an object but can't feel it, even if they're using direct neural control. The École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and allies in Project TIME have developed a hand that could clear that psychological hurdle. The design implants electrodes directly in key nerves that not only allow motor input, but deliver real sensory feedback from the artificial appendage -- including needle pokes, much to the test subject's chagrin. An early trial (seen above) kept the enhanced hand separate from the wearer and was limited to two sensations at once, but an upcoming trial will graft the hand on to a tester's arm for a month, with sensations coming from across much of the simulated hand. EPFL hopes to have a fully workable unit ready to test in two years' time, which likely can't come soon enough for amputees wanting more authentic physical contact.
Filed under: Science
Source: Project TIME, The Independent
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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Oscar winners Russell Crowe, Jennifer Hudson and Catherine Zeta-Jones will perform at the Academy Awards in a tribute to the resurgence of big-screen musicals, organizers said on Wednesday.
The performance, which will also feature Oscar nominees Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman from "Les Miserables," is part of the several musical acts at the annual Hollywood awards on Sunday.
"We are pleased to have been able to amass so much talent to create the celebration of musicals of the last decade that we envisioned," Oscars producers Neil Meron and Craig Zadan said in a statement. "We are thrilled that so many talented actors have agreed to bring our vision to life."
Musicals have had a revival over the past decade in Hollywood. Death row drama "Chicago" won six Academy Awards in 2003, including top prize Best Picture, and girl-group drama "Dreamgirls" scored two Oscars in 2007 while television's "Glee" has won six Emmy awards since 2010.
R&B singer Hudson won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 2007 for her role in "Dreamgirls" and Zeta-Jones won the same award for "Chicago" in 2003.
Crowe, who stars in "Les Mis," won an Oscar for Best Actor in 2001 for his role in the Roman drama "Gladiator."
"Les Mis" scored eight Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Original Song. "Les Mis" actors Amanda Seyfried, Helena Bonham Carter, Eddie Redmayne, Aaron Tveit and Samantha Banks will also join the musical tribute.
Singers Adele, Shirley Bassey, Norah Jones and Barbara Streisand will also perform at the awards show.
Adele is nominated for an Oscar for her song "Skyfall" in the James Bond film of the same name, and Jones will perform Oscar-nominated song "Everybody Needs a Best Friend" from "Ted."
(Reporting by Eric Kelsey; Editing by Jill Serjeant and Doina Chiacu)
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If you find yourself in the challenging position of having a variable work schedule yet you want to lose weight and make a diet work for you despite this fact then this article was written with you in mind. I have many clients in this situation from people who work the night shift to those who travel constantly or who go from meeting to meeting all day long, regardless of your work schedule you can make a diet work and lose the weight.
How to make a diet work
1. Keep your diet plan simple. The less there is to remember about your healthy eating plan the more likely you will be able to make it work. I like to teach clients the divided plate rule which means that you fill your plate half full with vegetables, one quarter full with protein and the last quarter with carbohydrate. This ensures you are eating the right foods in the right portions without the bother of counting calories or having to search for specialty foods.
2. Keep snacks in the form of protein. Don't grab the packaged snack from the vending machine. These snacks are filled with refined carbohydrates which leave you with a surge of insulin that leads to a crash of your blood sugar and a flood of cravings. Instead have a protein snack (i.e. cheese, nuts) this will steady your blood sugar controlling your hunger for well into the next few hours.
3. Be flexible. You will want your attitude to match your schedule so learn to handle frustration when you cannot get exactly what you wanted to eat and be flexible enough to accept "plan B". With a positive attitude you will find an acceptable alternative and stick with your weight loss program.
4. Have a support team in place. This is great advice for anyone working toward a goal to lose weight. There will always be obstacles in your path but when you have a mentor to guide you or a group of people to support you and encourage you finding a way to make a diet work becomes much easier.
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I?ve written before about how I recently switched from using an iPhone to an Android, and the reasons for that shift, which mostly had to do with my perception of the Android ecosystem as being more open and diverse than Apple?s (something many readers took issue with). But there was an additional benefit to using an Android that I hadn?t really expected, and it didn?t really dawn on me until I had been using it for awhile: it has actually been helping me disconnect more from the maelstrom of real-time notifications, and that?s a good thing.
One of the things that made my iPhone into an extension of my arm for the three years that I used one was the ability to see at a glance anything that required my attention, whether it was email or Twitter, or Instagram, or Path, or one of a dozen other social networks and services that I have signed up for. At first I thought this was a great feature ? but I?ve changed my mind.
Not only did certain apps (like Twitter) wake up the iPhone screen even when the device was sleeping to flash a message, but every icon for every app also had mini-notifications built in, so that I could see at a glance how many emails had come in since the last time I had checked, or how many Facebook messages, etc. Each icon had a little number next to it that wouldn?t go away until I opened the app and dealt with the messages or updates (there are also banner updates that can be individually configured for different apps).
If you need to stay on top of things like email, this is a really great feature. If you are somewhat obsessive or have something approaching attention-deficit disorder, however, it?s like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole that you play with your phone: open the app and click through the emails so that the number next to the icon goes away, and five minutes later there are a hundred more waiting. Twitter is the same, and so is Facebook.
To me, those numbers became a nagging indicator of my failure to stay on top of everything I was supposed to be paying attention to. Which is why I noticed when I switched to Android that there weren?t any notification bubbles next to the icons, and nothing woke up my phone. There was a small LED at the top of the phone ? a Motorola Razr HD ? that changed color based on certain input, but that was it. And when you wake the phone up, there are some small icons at the top that indicate new emails, etc. All very easy to ignore.
Many iPhone fans are probably going to see what I?m describing as a negative rather than a positive. After all, I?m talking about how the Android actually *lacks* certain features that the iPhone has ? how could that be seen as a good thing? And that?s what I wondered when I started using the Android.
In fact, I spent a fair bit of time looking for ways to reproduce the same kind of notification experience I got with the iPhone. I tweaked the settings ? which don?t really give you the same kind of granularity that you get with the iPhone (or at least not in my experience) ? and I even downloaded a bunch of apps that were designed to replicate the iPhone notifications somehow, right down to the noises they made, which were programmed into my subconscious.
Nothing I tried seemed to reproduce the kind of notifications I got on the iPhone, however, or at least not in a way that seemed to fit my needs. So I basically stopped trying. Now the light on my phone blinks from time to time, but it?s really easy to ignore ? and it chirps sometimes, but there?s no flashing on-screen message to tell me what it is. I have different rings for texts and phone calls from important people and that?s about it.
When I open my Android phone up from sleep mode, there are no tiny numbers beside any of the icons. There?s a widget that shows the first few subject lines of emails, so I can see whether there?s something hugely important, and another widget with a small calendar view. And when I want to see notifications from all the various apps and services, I can swipe down on the screen (a feature Apple borrowed from Android, I believe) and see a list.
Not having better notifications may be a downside for some, but I guess for me it has been a blessing in disguise ? I was trying to be more disciplined about my real-time updates, the way some others like Om have described, and turn off all the notifications one by one, but I am weak. Maybe it took a switch to a different platform and an unfamiliar user interface for me to make the decisions I should have made before to make my life a little less hectic.
Believe me, I?m not trying to say that the Android phone is better than the iPhone in every circumstance or for every person, or that Google is better than Apple. I?m just trying to describe my usage of both and how I came to the conclusion that for me, fewer notifications (or more subtle ones) is actually a good thing.
Thumbnail image courtesy of Brosix
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Acer just announced US availability for its H6 Series LED-backlit monitors, which the company unveiled globally back in November. Both the 21.5-inch (H226HQL) and 23-inch (H236HL) models have full 1080p IPS panels and feature a nearly bezel-less design; the frame is just 0.08 inch thick. Acer says it chose this design with video walls in mind, but you'll likely appreciate the sleek aesthetic even if you aren't rocking a massive multi-monitor setup. The displays also offer tilt capability from -5 to 15 degrees, and the stand sports a magnetic surface for storing paper clips and other odds and ends. Other specs include HDMI, DVI and VGA connections, plus dual built-in speakers. The 21.5-inch H6 monitor will go for $150, while the 23-incher is yours for $180. Head past the break for Acer's full press release.
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Palm's Touchstone dock immediately came to mind when we first saw LG's Nexus 4 Wireless Charger last fall (now available for $60 in the Play Store). Both devices are circular, with a micro-USB port in back and a slanted front surface on which to rest the phone. That's where the similarities end -- while the Touchstone is cylindrical and uses a proprietary wireless charging system, the Nexus 4 Wireless Charger is larger, spherical and Qi-compatible. Another major difference is that Palm's dock uses permanent magnets to line up and secure the handset, and LG's accessory relies primarily on the friction / suction between a rubber ring and the glass back of Google's flagship phone. Design-wise the Nexus 4 Wireless Charger looks similar to a smaller Nexus Q cut in half, down to the matching recessed square connector cutout.
In the box you'll find a 5V 1.8A AC adapter (vs. 1.2A for the one supplied with the Nexus 4) along with a micro-USB cable (longer than the one provided with the handset). The manual warns to "use only the power adapter and micro-USB cable that come with your Nexus 4 Wireless Charger", but we didn't have any trouble with other USB power sources beyond longer charging times. We tested the dock with the Nexus 4, Droid DNA, Lumia 920 and Lumia 822 (with the optional Wireless Charging Cover) -- basically, LG's accessory provides the same experience as Nokia's Wireless Charging Plate ($50), which is also Qi-compatible. The $10 difference buys you a matching design and a spare USB power adapter and micro-USB cable (Nokia's plate comes with a proprietary AC adapter). It takes about 4 hours to fully charge Google's flagship phone using wireless power -- check out the gallery above for some action shots.
Filed under: Cellphones, Peripherals, Mobile, Google, LG
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KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistan's Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) threatened to quit the ruling coalition on Saturday, piling fresh pressure on President Asif Ali Zardari ahead of elections due this spring.
The MQM, which dominates the commercial capital Karachi, said it would leave the coalition to protest against the authorities' decision to drop charges against a group of murder suspects accused of links to Zardari's ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP).
"The government has given a free hand to criminals," senior MQM leader Farooq Sattar told a news conference in Karachi, Pakistan's biggest city and capital of the southern Sindh Province.
Zardari's government could survive a walk-out by the MQM since his ruling coalition would still retain a majority in the national assembly in Islamabad.
Nevertheless, the potential loss of one of its key coalition partners would be a blow to the PPP, which is gearing up for a tough election battle after a five-year tenure marred by allegations of corruption, cronyism and incompetence.
Critics say Pakistan's politicians have been so preoccupied with the intricacies of coalition politics that they have devoted too little attention to tackling issues from militant violence to a chronic power crisis and the soaring cost of living since the last general elections in 2008.
The MQM has a record of repeatedly rescinding previous threats to leave Zardari's coalition after wringing concessions from his government and it was unclear how quickly law-makers and ministers belonging to the party would implement their latest pledge to quit.
A party spokesman said MQM's members of the federal and provincial cabinets were in the process of preparing their resignation letters late on Saturday.
In the face of past ruptures, senior PPP leaders have rapidly intervened to convince the MQM to stay with the coalition.
The Sindh provincial government angered the MQM this week by deciding to drop murder and other serious charges against eight suspected criminals who MQM believes form the core of a Karachi militia force allied to the PPP.
Human rights activists say, however, that it is the MQM itself that controls the most formidable armed wing of any political party in the city, where hundreds of people were killed last year in turf wars between rival factions.
Some observers believe the MQM's main motive for leaving the coalition is to assert its independence from the PPP ahead of the polls, which are expected in May.
The volatility of the pre-election landscape was laid bare in January when cleric Muhammad Tahirul Qadri triggered Pakistan's latest political crisis by leading tens of thousands of followers on a march on the capital to demand electoral reforms.
The stand-off was resolved after talks with the government, but the episode served as a reminder of the difficulty of predicting what may happen at the polls.
The PPP-led coalition is hoping to become the first civilian-led, elected government to complete a five-year term and hold elections, which would be a milestone in Pakistan's attempts to bury the legacy of decades of military rule.
(Additional reporting by Jibran Ahmad; Editing by Rosalind Russell)
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