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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) ? Hundreds of anti-Wall Street protesters who have been camped in front of Los Angeles' City Hall for nearly two months will be evicted on Monday, city officials said on Friday.
"We're asking the participants in the Occupy LA encampment to pack their belongings and leave in an orderly manner," Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said in a news conference with Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck.
"It is time to close the park and repair the grounds so that we can restore public access to the park," he said.
Protesters need to pack up their tents and dismantle their encampment by 12:01 a.m. local time on November 28, Villaraigosa said.
The Los Angeles encampment is among the oldest and largest on the West Coast aligned with the two-month-old Occupy Wall Street demonstrations protesting economic inequality in the country and excesses of the U.S. financial system.
Staking its place since October 1 on the grounds surrounding City Hall, the compound has grown to roughly 400 tents and 700 to 800 people, according to estimates by organizers and municipal officials.
Compared to other major cities, Los Angeles has been relatively accommodating to its Occupy group. Mayor Villaraigosa at one point provided rain ponchos to campers during inclement weather.
A protester from the encampment interrupted the news conference to read a statement he said had been voted on by the group's collective assembly, saying "Occupy Los Angeles would like to express their rejection of the City of Los Angeles' proposal that we leave City Hall by November 28, 2011."
Villaraigosa thanked the protester for his thoughts, but was firm about the eviction deadline.
"It took a couple of hours to put up those tents," he said. "It only takes a couple of hours to take them down."
Attorney Jim Lafferty, an advocate for Occupy LA and executive director of the National Lawyers Guild Los Angeles chapter, said on Tuesday the group had been offered the chance to lease 10,000 square feet of space in an old bookstore inside a downtown shopping mall for $1 a year for 10 years, as well as two plots of land on which it could grow its own food. He did not specify how much acreage was involved.
The group rejected the relocation proposal after a debate Tuesday. Many protesters called the offer an attempt to co-opt them. By Wednesday, city officials were downplaying the outcome of talks.
Occupy LA has posted an account of a negotiation meeting Wednesday between protesters and police about the future of the encampment on its website. The posting quoted an unnamed police official as telling the group's negotiators: "The use of force will be determined by the actions in the camp. ... I don't want officers shot with paint, fire extinguishers, etc."
Villaraigosa said Friday the police reaction would be different from more violent crackdowns in cities like Oakland.
The Occupy Oakland encampment had been plagued by violence before being shut down by police earlier this month. Oakland's first attempt to evict the encampment sparked confrontations between protesters and police that evolved into one of the most violent episodes since the anti-Wall Street movement began in New York.
Former Marine Scott Olsen was critically injured during those altercations, galvanizing protests nationwide.
"We've not stared each other down across barricades and barbed wire," Villaraigosa said, referring to the riot police and tear gas used in Oakland.
Beck said he wanted to avoid violence and arrests.
"This is a national movement that the city of Los Angeles wanted to accommodate as best we could," Beck said. "We have been reasonable. We have given 56 days."
(Writing by Mary Slosson in Colorado; Editing by David Bailey)
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Protesters stand by a burning barricade near Lieusant, Normandy, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011. Police have used tear gas on hundreds of nuclear protesters trying to head off the departure of a train carrying recycled uranium to Germany. Some 300 protesters clashed with police in fields in the village of Lieusaint, outside Valognes, site of the rail depot from where the train loaded with the uranium treated by Areva was expected to depart.(AP Photo/David Vincent)
Protesters stand by a burning barricade near Lieusant, Normandy, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011. Police have used tear gas on hundreds of nuclear protesters trying to head off the departure of a train carrying recycled uranium to Germany. Some 300 protesters clashed with police in fields in the village of Lieusaint, outside Valognes, site of the rail depot from where the train loaded with the uranium treated by Areva was expected to depart.(AP Photo/David Vincent)
Riot police face protesters at a burning barricade near Lieusant, Normandy, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011. Police have used tear gas on hundreds of nuclear protesters trying to head off the departure of a train carrying recycled uranium to Germany. Some 300 protesters clashed with police in fields in the village of Lieusaint, outside Valognes, site of the rail depot from where the train loaded with the uranium treated by Areva was expected to depart. (AP Photo/David Vincent)
Protesters stand by a burning barricade near Lieusant, Normandy, Wednesday, Nov.23, 2011. Police have used tear gas on hundreds of nuclear protesters trying to head off the departure of a train carrying recycled uranium to Germany. Some 300 protesters clashed with police in fields in the village of Lieusaint, outside Valognes, site of the rail depot from where the train loaded with the uranium treated by Areva was expected to depart.(AP Photo/David Vincent)
A group of activists, holding a banner reading "Stop this radioactive train", center, face-off against riot police officers, unseen, in the early morning Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011, in Lieusaint, Normandy, France, as they try to block the train tracks in an effort to stop a train loaded with nuclear waste and heading to Gorleben in Germany. (AP Photo/David Vincent)
Activists clash with riot police officers early Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011, in Lieusaint, Normandy, France, as they try to block a rail line to stop a train loaded with nuclear waste and heading to Gorleben in Germany. (AP Photo/David Vincent)
DANNENBERG, Germany (AP) ? Demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails at police, setting a vehicle on fire, as skirmishes intensified Friday after a shipment of nuclear waste reprocessed in France crossed into Germany on its way to a controversial storage site.
The clash broke out in the afternoon between about 400 riot police and 300 demonstrators in the woods outside the northern German town of Dannenberg, near the storage facility at Gorleben where the nuclear waste is being transported by train.
Protesters threw Molotov cocktails and other pyrotechnics at officers, setting a police transport van ablaze, said federal police spokesman Martin Ackert. As a fire truck tried to rush to the scene, demonstrators blocked it, then punctured its tires before fleeing into the forest, he said.
Nobody was injured in the incident, and there were no arrests, Ackert said.
Nearby, 30 people occupied the train tracks in effort to hinder the shipment, while in another clash police turned their water canons on demonstrators to break up a protest, Ackert said.
Nuclear energy has been unpopular in Germany since fallout from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine drifted over the country and the annual shipment has been a traditional focal point for protesters.
This is the first shipment, however, since Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to shut all Germany's nuclear plants by 2022, following safety questions raised after the disaster at Fukushima in Japan. While other countries are also following suit or considering doing so, neighboring France is still committed to nuclear power, with President Nicolas Sarkozy insisting Friday that it would be "madness" to reduce his country's high reliance on it.
Activists in Germany also say neither the waste containers nor the Gorleben site, a temporary storage facility, are safe.
The train carrying the annual shipment entered western Germany in the morning after delays in France, where activists damaged railtracks in an attempt to halt the cargo.
The train hauling 11 containers of nuclear waste is expected to reach its destination sometime over the weekend.
Though police said fewer demonstrators are anticipated overall this year due to Berlin's decision, some 20,000 officers are still on hand to secure the shipment to Gorleben.
Officials are yet to resolve where such waste should be stored permanently ? and activists argue the Gorleben site is unsafe.
German police used water cannons Thursday night as protesters tried to block a crossroads at Metzingen, near the shipment's destination after fireworks and paint were thrown at officers.
In France, riot police on Wednesday fired tear gas at anti-nuclear protesters in a Normandy field, while activists damaged a railway which delayed the train's departure.
While other countries have renounced atomic energy in Fukushima's aftermath, France has remained a bastion of nuclear power. France depends on it for three-quarters of its electricity, more than any other country.
Sarkozy, who is expected to seek re-election in April, argued that abandoning nuclear energy would destroy jobs.
Associated Press Writer Cecile Brisson in Orange, France, contributed to this report; Rising reported from Berlin.
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Benchmarking is popular in business. After studying the performance of the top companies in a particular arena, other companies emulate the leaders' best practices seeking the same level of success.
This method has made its way into education. For example, the new common state standards for reading and mathematics were written after study of the academic standards of the world's top-achieving countries. These new American standards will be nearly universal in the United States because 45 states and the District of Columbia have adopted them.
Surpassing Shanghai: An Agenda for American Education Built on the World's Leading Systems by Marc S. Tucker and colleagues takes benchmarking one step further. The systems of schooling in Shanghai (China) Finland, Japan, Singapore, and Ontario (Canada) are analyzed, since students in those countries or provinces consistently outperform American students on international tests of academic performance.
According to this analysis, six key factors underlie the success of those top performers:
1. Funding schools equitably, with additional resources for those serving needy students
2. Paying teachers competitively and comparably
3. Investing in high-quality preparation, mentoring and professional development for teachers and leaders, completely at government expense
4. Providing time in the school schedule for collaborative planning and ongoing professional learning to continually improve instruction
5. Organizing a curriculum around problem-solving and critical thinking skills
6. Testing students rarely but carefully -- with measures that require analysis, communication, and defense of ideas
In the book, Tucker concludes, "high-performing states and nations are focused on building coherent systems of teaching and learning, focused on meaningful goals and supported with universally available, strategic resources."
In the United States, common state standards are intended to bring greater coherence to education, but those standards are just beginning to be implemented, and it is too early to see the effects. Furthermore, setting standards is an essential step but only one element of success.
Unfortunately, most other practices of high-achieving countries are not being implemented broadly and consistently in the U.S. Grossly unequal funding between school districts is tolerated in far too many states. Teacher pay is not comparable to that of other college-educated workers ("Teacher Pay: U.S. Ranks 22nd Out of 27 Countries," Huffington Post blog, 8-30-11). Teacher preparation programs vary widely in quality, and too many professional development efforts are short-term, disconnected or irrelevant.
In addition to not adequately addressing factors that are essential to the success of high-performing countries, the U.S. is pursuing school reforms unknown in those countries. Extensive student testing, leading to punitive actions for schools with inadequate test results, is at the heart of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The creation of charter schools, operated by a variety of for-profit and nonprofit groups, is encouraged by conservatives and liberals. Many states have endorsed alternative routes to recruiting teachers that provide candidates with minimal preparation.
As Tucker points out, "none of these jurisdictions -- Finland, Japan, Ontario (Canada) Shanghai (China) or Singapore -- is focused on the pursuit of narrow test results, market-based reforms, a deskilled teaching force presumably motivated by threats of firing, or a competitive approach that sets up some schools, teachers, and, consequently, students as winners, while setting up others as losers."
Some will argue that the United States is unique -- that what brings success in other countries is not relevant to our situation. The American steel and automotive industries once also believed that. They sank, until they realized that knowledge did not stop at our nation's borders.
Are our leaders making the same mistake with school reform that those decimated industries made in their areas? In his 2011 State of the Union address, President Obama noted that "America has fallen to ninth in the proportion of young people with college degrees" and that "as many as a quarter of our students aren't even finishing high school." Other countries have overtaken us.
Not everything done abroad is good, nor is it always transferable to the U.S. But, with school reform, we are unique in pursuing so much testing, punitive measures against schools and teachers, and the creation of so many independent charter schools. At the same time, we are ignoring financial inequality among schools and school districts, not paying our teachers a comparable wage, and encouraging practices that lead to incoherence.
This year and next, the NCLB requirements will undoubtedly change, through either waivers granted to states by the U.S. Secretary of Education or amendments to the law crafted by the Congress. Now is a good time to ask whether we are on the right path to better schools. If not, we had better change fast if we want to be competitive in the world.
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BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) ? A woman has been sentenced to 3? years in prison for embezzling more than $1 million from the Mark Twain House and Museum, a crime that added to the financial woes of the Hartford landmark that had been struggling to pay its bills.
Donna Gregor, a 54-year-old former museum employee, apologized for stealing the money at the sentencing hearing Monday in federal court in Bridgeport. Gregor faced up to 23 years in prison after pleading guilty in August to wire fraud and filing a false tax return.
The officials who run the gingerbread Gothic home said it has recovered financially and they are happy to put the case behind them.
"We are grateful that the case involving the theft of funds from the Mark Twain House and Museum has been resolved and justice has been served," the museum said on its website. "We want to assure our friends that stringent controls are in place and our financial condition is sound and we thank them for their continued interest and support."
An attorney for Gregor, Gerald Giaimo, had argued for leniency, saying his client was supporting several troubled family members including her cancer-stricken mother.
"The crime was anomalous with the type of person she is," Giaimo said. "Despite what some reports have said she was not living a life of luxury and feeding some type of shopping habit."
The thefts occurred during a time when the Twain House was in dire financial straits, trying to repay millions in bank loans from expansions and struggling to meet its yearly budget.
In 2008, it even cut two-thirds of its staff and made other reductions, but had barely enough money to pay three weeks' worth of bills before publicity generated a spate of donations.
The author and humorist built the house in 1874 and wrote many of his best known works during the 17 years that he lived there, including "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and its sequel, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Struggling with debt, Twain had to sell the home in 1903. The building was rescued from demolition in 1927 and is now a prime tourist attraction in Connecticut's capital city.
In addition to her jail sentence, Gregor was ordered to pay restitution to the Mark Twain House for the money she stole between 2002 and 2010. After serving her prison sentence she also faces three years of supervised release.
Authorities say Gregor submitted false information via the Internet to the museum's payroll management vendor to get more pay than she was entitled to and used the museum's check-writing system to write checks payable to herself and forged the signatures of her supervisors on those checks.
Prosecutors said she used the proceeds of her theft for home improvements, theater tickets, dining out, mortgage payments, credit card payments and car payments.
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NEW YORK ? Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band are set to go on the road in 2012.
Springsteen announced plans to tour the United States and Europe on his official website Sunday. Dates were to be announced later.
He also wrote the band is "incredibly excited" about the new year, adding their new music is "almost done" and "still untitled," but with an undetermined release date.
This will be the first tour for the E Street Band since saxophonist Clarence Clemons died in June from complications of a stroke.
Springsteen's last tour was the "Working on a Dream" tour, which ended in 2009.
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MONDAY, Nov. 21 (HealthDay News) -- Among older married Americans, an active sex life is associated with greater happiness with their marriages and with life in general, according to a new study.
The finding is based on an analysis of the responses of 238 married people 65 and older who took part in the 2004 General Social Surveys.
Sexual-activity frequency significantly predicted both overall and marital happiness, and this association remained even after factors such as age, gender, health status and financial satisfaction were taken into account.
Nearly 60 percent of those who had sex more than once a month were very happy with life in general, compared with 40 percent of those who had no sex in the last year. Nearly 80 percent of those who had sex more than once a month were very happy with their marriage, compared with 59 percent of those who had no sex in the last year.
The findings were presented Sunday at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Boston.
"This study will help open the lines of communication and spark interest in developing 'outside-the-box' approaches to dealing with resolvable issues that limit or prevent older adults from participating in sexual activity," study author Adrienne Jackson, an assistant professor at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, said in a society news release.
"Highlighting the relationship between sex and happiness will help us in developing and organizing specific sexual-health interventions for this growing segment of our population," Jackson added.
To assess frequency of sexual activity, survey participants were asked the following question: "About how many times did you have sex during the last 12 months? By 'sex' we mean vaginal, oral or anal sex."
Participants were also asked the following questions to assess general happiness, and marital happiness, respectively: "Taken all together, how would you say things are these days -- would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?"; "Taking things all together, how would you describe your marriage? Would you say that your marriage is very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?"
Because this study was presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The U.S. National Institute on Aging has more about sexuality in later life.
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CAIRO (Reuters) ? Protesters demanding an end to army rule and angered by rough police tactics battled with police on Sunday, presenting Egypt's ruling generals with their biggest security challenge yet, a week before parliamentary elections.
Two people were killed and hundreds wounded in late night clashes reminiscent of some of the worst violence during the 18-day uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak in February.
Youths in Cairo chanted "The people want to topple the regime" as they rushed at police, who fired rubber bullets and tear gas. Protesters clashed with police in two other cities.
Egypt holds its first parliamentary election since Mubarak's ouster in a staggered vote that starts on November 28. Many Egyptians are worried that police will not be able to secure the polls, although the army insists it can.
Presidential powers remain with the army after the vote. A row has erupted between political groups and the army-picked cabinet over ground rules for drafting the constitution that could leave the military free of civilian control. Parliament is to pick the assembly to draw up the constitution.
There was sporadic violence on Sunday after the worst overnight clashes subsided. Thousands of demonstrators were still in Cairo's Tahrir Square, forming lines to defend it.
Brandishing spent shotgun cartridges in a Cairo street strewn with debris, one protester shouted: "This is the Interior Ministry who say they are using self-restraint!"
Demonstrators around him wore masks to protect against teargas and showed off spent gas canisters and bullet casings. Metal barricades had been set up on approach roads to Tahrir Square, where Egyptians gathered to bring down Mubarak.
Many Egyptians are angry that nine-months after ousting Mubarak, the army remains in charge and police are still using the same heavy-handed tactics against demonstrators.
"We are on the brink of danger. Those asking for the government to fall are asking for the state to fall," Egyptian army General Mohsen Fangary told a television channel.
He said the election would go ahead on time and the army and Interior Ministry would maintain security. He also said the army, in line with a timetable previously announced, aimed to return to barracks by the end of 2012. Presidential elections could be held by then.
Cabinet met on Sunday to discuss the violence.
As police fired round after round of tear gas at protesters near the Interior Ministry, closer to Tahrir the demonstrators laid sheets of metal to block roads into the square.
"I tell you do not leave the square. This square will lead the way from now on," presidential candidate Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, a hardline Islamist, told a group of protesters early on Sunday. "Tomorrow the whole of Egypt will follow your lead."
During Saturday's clashes, protesters broke chunks of cement from pavements and hurled them at police.
"We don't expect anything from the military council, they will ignore us like what used to happen during Mubarak's days," said Abdallah Belal, a 21-year-old student in Tahrir.
The state news agency quoted the Health Ministry as saying 766 people had been wounded and two people were killed. It said a man, 23, was killed in Cairo by a gunshot to the chest and a man in the second city Alexandria had a gunshot to the head.
A security official said police had not use live rounds and had used lawful methods to deal with "troublemakers." The army stayed away from fighting.
The army won popular backing during Mubarak's overthrow for maintaining order and pledging to hand power to an elected government, but support has ebbed over its use of military trials for civilians and suspicion that it wants to continue to wield the levers of power after a new government is sworn in.
About 5,000 protesters had converged on Tahrir on Saturday afternoon when police tried to evict the remnants of a 50,000-strong demonstration a day earlier, mostly by Islamists demanding the departure of the military.
Police beat the protesters, most of them not Islamists, with batons and fired tear gas to regain control of the square, only to retreat after night fell.
Protests erupted in other cities. About 800 people gathered in front of the security directorate in Alexandria, chanting: "Interior Ministry officials are thugs."
About 1,000 gathered outside a police station in the eastern city of Suez, site of some of the worst violence in the uprising. They threw stones at it and tried to force their way in. Police fired tear gas and shot in the air.
Liberal groups are dismayed by the military trials of thousands of civilians and the army's failure to scrap a hated emergency law. Islamists eyeing a strong showing in the next parliament suspect the army wants to curtail their influence.
Analysts say Islamists could win 40 percent of parliamentary seats, with a big portion going to the Muslim Brotherhood.
"We are not political parties and we hate the Brotherhood who gave up on the revolution and the people," Medhat Fawzy said. "We are Egyptian youth," he said, flashing a victory sign.
The liberal April 6 Youth movement said the interior minister should quit for ordering the use of force against a peaceful protest.
Friday's rally appeared to be the biggest Islamist challenge to military rule since the largely secular uprising that toppled Mubarak. The demonstration mostly comprised of Brotherhood members and their harder line Salafi rivals.
Protesters expressed anger at a draft constitution that Deputy Prime Minister Ali al-Silmi showed to political groups earlier this month that would give the army exclusive authority over its internal affairs and budget.
(Additional reporting by Omar Fahmy, Patrick Werr, Tamim Elyan, Abdel Rahman Youssef, Dina Zayed and Yousri Mohamed; Writing by Edmund Blair and Tom Pfeiffer)
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Israel's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Ehud Azoulay waits for the start of the IAEA board of governors meeting at the International Center, in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, Nov. 18, 2011. The U.N. atomic agency's new resolution on Iran criticizes Tehran's nuclear defiance but, in a concession to Russia and China, does not set an ultimatum for allowing a probe of its alleged secret work on atomic weapons. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak)
Israel's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Ehud Azoulay waits for the start of the IAEA board of governors meeting at the International Center, in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, Nov. 18, 2011. The U.N. atomic agency's new resolution on Iran criticizes Tehran's nuclear defiance but, in a concession to Russia and China, does not set an ultimatum for allowing a probe of its alleged secret work on atomic weapons. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak)
Iran's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh waits for the start of the IAEA board of governors meeting at the International Center, in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, Nov. 18, 2011. The U.N. atomic agency's new resolution on Iran criticizes Tehran's nuclear defiance but, in a concession to Russia and China, does not set an ultimatum for allowing a probe of its alleged secret work on atomic weapons. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak)
Iran's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh waits for the start of the IAEA board of governors meeting at the International Center, in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, Nov. 18, 2011. The U.N. atomic agency's new resolution on Iran criticizes Tehran's nuclear defiance but, in a concession to Russia and China, does not set an ultimatum for allowing a probe of its alleged secret work on atomic weapons.(AP Photo/Ronald Zak)
Iran's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh waits for the start of the IAEA board of governors meeting at the International Center, in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, Nov. 18, 2011. The U.N. atomic agency's new resolution on Iran criticizes Tehran's nuclear defiance but, in a concession to Russia and China, does not set an ultimatum for allowing a probe of its alleged secret work on atomic weapons.(AP Photo/Ronald Zak)
Israel's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Ehud Azoulay arrives for the start of the IAEA board of governors meeting at the International Center, in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, Nov. 18, 2011. The U.N. atomic agency's new resolution on Iran criticizes Tehran's nuclear defiance but, in a concession to Russia and China, does not set an ultimatum for allowing a probe of its alleged secret work on atomic weapons. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak)
VIENNA (AP) ? The U.S. and its Western allies bluntly accused Iran on Friday of deceiving the world by trying to hide work on nuclear arms, as the U.N. atomic agency passed a new resolution criticizing Tehran's nuclear defiance.
Iran shot back that the West's allegations were based on fabricated American, Israeli, British and French intelligence fed to the International Atomic Energy Agency to try and discredit the Islamic Republic.
Reflecting its bitterness, Iran's chief IAEA delegate withdrew an invitation to U.N. atomic agency experts to visit Tehran and discuss nuclear concerns.
He also announced Tehran was boycotting a meeting next week to explore the possibilities of a Mideast nuclear-free zone that will be attended by Israel and all Arab nations, accusing IAEA chief Yukiya Amano of bias for not focusing on Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal.
The unusually tough exchanges were bound to further raise international tensions over Iran's nuclear activities ? even though the Western statements emphasized that the preferred solution was through diplomacy.
France warned Iran to defuse world fears that it is working on nuclear weapons or face "unprecedented" sanctions, while Washington dismissed "the hollowness" of Iranian claims, asserting that Iran must acknowledge its secret weapons development work. Britain, too, urged Iran to "address the grave concerns of the international community about its nuclear program."
Statements delivered to the IAEA's 35-nation board by the U.S., and on behalf of Germany, Britain and France, contained no mention of military action ? an option that has not been discounted by either Israel or the U.S. if Tehran refuses to stop activities that can be used for nuclear weapons.
Still, they pulled no punches, drawing heavily on a recent IAEA report based on intelligence from more than 10 nations that concluded that some alleged clandestine work by Iran could not be used for any other purpose than making nuclear arms.
"It is no longer within the bounds of credulity to claim that Iran's nuclear activities are solely peaceful," said Glyn Davies, the chief U.S. delegate to the IAEA, adding: "There is little doubt that Iran ... at the very least, wants to position itself for a nuclear weapons capability."
He told The Associated Press that the Iranian allegations were nothing more than "old bile in new bottles" ? old excuses repackaged for the IAEA meeting.
For the three European nations, German chief delegate Ruediger Luedeking said Iranian actions, ..."deepened disbelief in the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program."
Delegates at the closed meeting easily passed a resolution based on the report urging Iran to end more than three years of stonewalling of IAEA attempts to probe the allegations, and to heed U.N. Security Council demands to stop other activities that could be used to make nuclear arms. Only Cuba and Ecuador voted against, and Indonesia abstained.
The resolution is milder than the West had hoped for ? but it had the support of Russia and China, which Iran traditionally counts on to counter Western pressure.
A senior diplomat at the meeting told The AP that Tehran was particularly unhappy with the success of the West's tactical move ? watering down the language of the resolution in exchange for support from Moscow and Beijing. He asked for anonymity for relaying confidential information.
The text expressed "serious concern that Iran continues to defy the requirements and obligations contained in the relevant IAEA Board of Governors and U.N. Security Council Resolutions." It also spoke of "deep and increasing concern about the unresolved issues regarding the Iranian nuclear program, including those which need to be clarified to exclude the existence of possible military dimensions."
"Serious concern" and "deep and increasing concern" are strong terms in the diplomatic world.
The resolution did not threaten new U.N. sanctions ? Iran already is under four such sets of penalties. But French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe warned of new punitive measures if Tehran remains defiant.
"France urges Iran to heed the unanimous message addressed to her by the IAEA," he said in a statement. "If Iran refuses to comply with her international obligations ... we shall, along with all our partners, adopt sanctions on an unprecedented scale."
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the IAEA report revealed that Iran "engaged in covert research and development related to activities that can have only one application: building a nuclear warhead for delivery on a ballistic missile.
"The Director General's report and today's action by the Board of Governors expose once and for all the hollowness of Iran's claims, and reinforce the world's demands that Iran come clean," he said in a statement.
Russia's Foreign Ministry said Moscow shares "a growing concern about the current developments expressed in the resolution" but warned of "an outburst of political passions" that would hamper dialogue between Iran and world powers.
Pressure on Iran began Monday. In opening words to the meeting, Amano voiced concerns "regarding possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program," saying such work may extend into the present. He added his agency finds the information leading to such suspicions to be generally credible.
Iran is under U.N. Security Council resolutions for refusing to freeze uranium enrichment ? which can make both nuclear fuel and fissile weapons material.
It denies any interest in such weapons, says it is being targeted unfairly by the U.S. and its allies and that Amano is working for the Americans.
Chief Iranian delegate Ali Ashghar Soltanieh accused Amano of drawing up an "illegal, partial and unjustified and politicized report."
The report, he said, is based on "information provided by intelligence services of (the) U.S., U.K, France, (the) Israeli regime and some other western countries, which are false, baseless and fabricated."
He also accused Amano of security leaks that expose his country's scientists and their families to the threat of assassination by the U.S. and Israel.
Such leaks, said Soltanieh, have made Iranian scientists "the targets for assassination by ... (the) Israeli regime and United State(s) of America intelligence services." He said Amano is to blame for any threat "against the lives of my fellow citizens."
Bradley Klapper in Washington, Danica Kirka in London, Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow, and Noura Maan in Vienna contributed to this report.
George Jahn can be reached at:
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By Suzanne Choney
Social networking site Google+ recorded its third biggest week last week, with more than 6.8 million total U.S. visits, according to Hitwise.
The site launched last summer to an invite-only crowd. Its previous top two weeks were the week ending Sept. 24, when Google+ opened to all users, and the week after that.
Facebook or Google+?
Sticking with Facebook. And that's that.
Using both; like them for different reasons.
Have ditched Facebook for G+.
Getting ready to boot one or both; tired of social networking.
VoteTotal Votes: 71
Why the sudden boon? Mashable points to Google's recent introduction of "brand" pages on Google+?? which lets companies have their own pages, just as they do on Facebook ? well as the continuing addition of features, such as letting users rate images +1.
Google+ has had its ups and downs since it began. But recent signs are definitely on the "plus" side.
Hitwise director of research Heather Dougherty, on the company's blog, points to a few factors: Google+ "benefits from other Google properties for referral traffic. Among the top ten referral sources, eight are Google properties and accounted for 73 percent off all upstream traffic last week, up from 65 percent during the peak week of Sept. 24."
As "another positive sign," she cites the increasing number of returning visitors to Google+. "The average of the first two weeks of November versus the same time in October shows the share of returning visitors to the Google+ site increased 18 percent. Last week, 74 percent of the traffic to Google+ was from returning visitors, suggesting that Google+ users are returning to interact and engage with their networks (aka circles)."
Is Google+ starting to run "circles" around Facebook? What do you think? Let us know by voting in our poll.
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Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.
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Was there ever any doubt?
Two weeks after Mariah Yeater created a major uproar by claiming Justin Bieber was the father of her young son, the total liar has dropped her paternity lawsuit against the iconic singer. It was quietly dismissed late last week, TMZ reports, while attorneys Lance Rogers and Matt Pare have bolted from Yeater's camp.
Bieber handled the allegation as well as one could. He issued a couple basic denials, volunteered to take a DNA test and threatened to counter-sue the 20-year old who claimed Justin lost his virginity to her - unprotected, style - in a Los Angeles bathroom last October.
True Beliebers, of course, stood by their man and can now return to what they do best: supporting his career and his hair. Get back to it, everyone!
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PARIS (Reuters) ? Three French aid workers held hostage in Yemen since May 28 have been freed, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said.
The three hostages, two women and a man, worked for French charity Triangle Generation Humanitaire and had been kidnapped at a restaurant in the southeastern province of Hadramout.
The Arabian Peninsula country has been in the grip of civil unrest for months and Hadramout is among provinces where al Qaeda's Yemen-based wing has been active.
"The president warmly thanks the Sultan of Oman and the Omanese authorities for their crucial help, as well as all those who contributed to this happy resolution," the president's office said in a statement.
The statement, which said Sarkozy "shared the joy" of the aid workers' families, did not say how their release had been secured.
Kidnappings of Western tourists or workers by tribes seeking ransom or concessions from the government have been frequent in Yemen, one of the poorest Arab countries. Most hostages have been freed unharmed.
(Reporting By Christian Plumb and Gregory Schwartz; Editing by Louise Ireland)
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The central United States will see a warming trend, while the West remains rainy and snowy on Sunday.
A low pressure system off the coast of southern California will advance onshore, moving over the Southwest. Counter-clockwise flow around this system will continue pulling moisture onshore, allowing for rain and high elevation snow showers to persist across the Southwest.
To the north, a low pressure area over the northern Rocky Mountains will extend southward into the central Rockies. This will bring heavy snow showers to Utah and Colorado, while snowfall will decrease across Idaho and Montana. Winter weather advisories have been issued across the Central Rockies, as 3 to 7 inches of snow are expected, with up to a foot at highest elevations. Blizzard warnings are in effect for Colorado due to wind gusts ranging between 50 and 60 mph, causing blowing snow and low visibility. Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming will see another 2 to 4 inches of snowfall on Sunday.
In the Northwest, another trough of low pressure will approach Washington and Oregon. This is expected to bring more rain showers and high elevation snow to the Cascades.
In the Plains, a trough will advance over the Northern Plains and into the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes, triggering widespread scattered rain showers. Flow ahead of this system will push warm air in from the South, allowing for high temperatures to range 10 to 15 degrees above seasonable. The back side of this system will pull cool air in from Canada, allowing for rain showers to turn to snow showers across the Dakotas and northern Minnesota.
Temperatures in the lower 48 states ranged Saturday from a morning low of 8 degrees at Mt. Washington, N.H., to a high of 84 degrees at McAllen, Texas.
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